Autumn Statement

By Gary Robinson / September 24, 2023

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, has confirmed that the Autumn Statement will be on 22 November 2023. The Autumn Statement can affect tax policy, benefits, and much more. The Chancellor will make his announcement to Parliament, setting out the Government’s plans on all matters fiscal and economic. Interestingly, this could be the Chancellor’s…

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Customer Services and Why It Matters

By Gary Robinson / July 22, 2023

According to the Institute of Customer Service’s (ICS) most recent UK Customer Satisfaction Index more companies have declined in service than improved. In 2021 and 2022, customer satisfaction with complaint handling showed a steady improvement but this has now stalled and other areas of customer satisfaction that are predictive of business performance, such as measures…

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The closer you are to retirement, the more planning you need to do.

By Gary Robinson / July 8, 2023

The closer you are to retirement, the more important your retirement planning becomes. The last five years of work may be some of the most critical of all. If your plans are in place and your pension pot has grown to a level that can provide the income you need in your retirement, you may be…

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Protect Your Retirement Income

By Gary Robinson / July 1, 2023

The Bank of England (BOE) raised interest rates by half a point to 5 per cent last week, with increasing calls for tougher action to fight persistent high inflation. Andrew Bailey, the governor of the Bank of England, said that the Bank thinks inflation – the rate at which prices are rising – will fall…

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Your Duties As An Employer and The Change

By Gary Robinson / April 1, 2023

As an employer running payroll, you need to report to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on the previous tax year (which ends on 5 April 2023), give your employees a P60, and prepare for the new tax year, which starts on 6 April. What you need to do                                               When Send your final payroll report of…

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Covid-19 Grants

By Gary Robinson / November 12, 2020

People and businesses across the UK are being provided with additional financial support as part of the government’s plan for the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Prime Minister announced today (31 October). Throughout the crisis the government’s priority has been to protect lives and livelihoods. Today the Prime Minister said…

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Tax Scams in the Pandemic

By Gary Robinson / October 8, 2020

A Freedom of Information request from the firm has revealed taxpayers reported 9,948 Covid-related scams to HMRC between January and June. Activity peaked in May, with 5,048 incidents explicitly mentioning Covid, then proceeded to fall by over 55% to 2,495 in June. The total number of all phishing scams reported to HMRC was 44,777 in…

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By Gary Robinson / May 21, 2020

Auto Enrolment It is now law that as an employer you have legal obligation to offer a workplace pension to all employees and any new starters in the future although as this has been law for a few years already most existing employees have already been enrolled in the pension. As an employer you also…

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Auto Enrolment

By Gary Robinson / March 5, 2020

Auto Enrolment It is now law that as an employer you have legal obligation to offer a workplace pension to all employees and any new starters in the future although as this has been law for a few years already most existing employees have already been enrolled in the pension. As an employer you also…

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