National Living Wage

By Gary Robinson / March 25, 2021

Present and future wage rates First, it is appropriate to discuss the upcoming changes to the minimum wage, of which the National Living Wage is the highest rate of pay. Below is a table which highlights the current rate of NLW and the ages entitled to it, as well as the new structure from 1…

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Electric Vehicle Grants Cut

By Gary Robinson / March 21, 2021

he grant scheme for electric cars, vans and trucks has been updated to target less expensive models and reflect a greater range of affordable vehicles available, allowing the scheme’s funding to go further and help more people make the switch to an electric vehicle. The move means that less luxury cars will now qualify for…

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Five furlough changes you need to know about

By Gary Robinson / January 21, 2021

The government has now published its official guidance for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which has been extended until 30 April 2021. The long-awaited government guidance confirms many of the details surrounding the extended furlough scheme for employers. Overall, it outlines that despite the increase in flexibility that the extended scheme provides when compared to…

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By Gary Robinson / December 14, 2020

Welcome to our Brexit newsletter. There will be new rules for trade, travel and living in the UK and EU from 11.00pm on the 31 December 2020. Our aim is to provide you with information and resources to help you manage the change as smoothly as possible. The UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, UK Chief…

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Covid 19 Newsletter

By Gary Robinson / December 6, 2020

C19 NEWSLETTER ‘ECONOMIC EMERGENCY HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN’ In his spending review yesterday Rishi Sunak said the “economic emergency” caused by Covid-19 has only just begun, as he warned the virus would mean lasting damage to growth and jobs. Official forecasts now predict the biggest economic decline in 300 years. The UK economy is expected…

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Covid-19 Grants

By Gary Robinson / November 12, 2020

People and businesses across the UK are being provided with additional financial support as part of the government’s plan for the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Prime Minister announced today (31 October). Throughout the crisis the government’s priority has been to protect lives and livelihoods. Today the Prime Minister said…

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Paying Your Tax By Direct Debit Monthly

By Gary Robinson / November 2, 2020

People owe debt to HMRC for a variety of reasons and the best payment solution differs from individual to individual. HMRC takes its responsibility seriously to make sure that people who can pay do so on time, whilst providing extra, bespoke support to people facing financial hardship or in personal difficulty. If you’re facing difficulty…

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Cronavirus & the Winter Economy

By Gary Robinson / October 10, 2020

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a new package to keep the economy moving during winter, in spite of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Measures include a new job support scheme, continuing reduced VAT rates, and additional time to pay deferred taxes. At a glance The Winter Economy Plan came as the government cancelled the Autumn 2020…

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Tax Scams in the Pandemic

By Gary Robinson / October 8, 2020

A Freedom of Information request from the firm has revealed taxpayers reported 9,948 Covid-related scams to HMRC between January and June. Activity peaked in May, with 5,048 incidents explicitly mentioning Covid, then proceeded to fall by over 55% to 2,495 in June. The total number of all phishing scams reported to HMRC was 44,777 in…

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Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Compliance Letters

By Gary Robinson / August 30, 2020

The first wave of compliance letters regarding the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) were issued last week as HMRC moves into the post transaction review phase of the scheme. The first batch of letters started to land on doormats from Wednesday 18 August. HMRC will be asking questions where they have concerns over the validity…

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